Lifeguard School
Lifeguard Patrol
20 years of presence
We have been active in the field of lifeguard since 2004, both in the field of training and in the provision of lifeguard coverage services.
22 areas of responsibility
We have taken responsibility for more than 20 areas of lifeguard coverage in seas, coasts and swimming pools.
70 persons of staff
To the school graduates are offered immediate professional rehabilitation. About 70 professional lifeguards are employed each summer.
48 lifeboats & jetskis
We have 43 professional motorized lifeguard rescue boats and 5 fully equipped Jetskis for beach coverage.
26 partners nationwide
Multi-year partnerships are the reward for the quality of our services. We have selected partners in Greece and abroad.
Presence in 8 prefectures
Until today we have offered our lifeguard services in 8 prefectures throughout Greece.
Become a lifeguard
Become a Lifeguard
Career as a lifeguard
Lifeguard Patrol

Lifeguard Patrol lifeguards spoke about their experience at our school.

"Excellent school with excellent organization!!"

"Excellent from the first day of training to every last day of every season! Perfect professionals."

"Whether you want it in terms of organization, training provision or even in terms of general team competence, the lifeguards / safety supervisors who get their certificate from Lifeguard Patrol are excellent and, personally, I feel safer when they are patrolling the Pieria's seas prefecture."

"Excellent organization and proper professionalism!!"